網上換領 Online Redemption
如您已是JK CLUB 會員,請直接 登入 ,登記積分及換領禮品。
If you are JK CLUB member, please login to to save points and redeem gift.
日本御惠牌赤靈芝 10粒 裝
Mikei Red Reishi Essence 10's
(價值 Value at : $136)
網上換領 Online Redemption JK CLUB
會員表格 Membership Form
首次登記成為 JK CLUB 會員,必須填妥以下會員表格1次。
For registration as JK CLUB members, please fill in the following membership form for once.
上載已刮去灰色圖層,並能清晰顯示16位積分換領編號的 "正貨證明書" 相片1張
Upload one photo of "Certificate of Authenticity" with the grey coating scratched and showing the 16 digits points redemption code clearly. *
*是次上載 "積分換領編號相片" 所獲得之1,000積分,將自動存入閣下的新會員賬戶 。
* The 1,000 points earned from the points redemption code uploaded this time will be deposited into your new member account automatically.